
Menampilkan postingan dari 2022

Star Wars Dot-To-Dot : Connect 1000 Dots on Every Page (1368005675)

Geared towards young adults and adults, you can test your connect the dots skills with this Star Wars activity book! Product details For ages 12-15 Format Paperback | 128 pages Dimensions 211 x 269 x 10mm | 363g ...

Die Zeit der Wunder (3551312850)

Der siebenjährige Koumaïl ist ständig auf der Flucht vor den Schrecken des Kaukasus-Krieges. Sein einziger Lichtblick ist das Versprechen seiner Ziehmutter Gloria, ihn in seine eigentliche Heimat Frankreich zurückzubringen. Der Weg dorthin ist lang und gefährlich. Dank seiner nie endenden Hoffnung schafft Koumaïl es - doch dann ist Gloria plötzlich fort. Und mit ihr das Geheimnis seines Lebens, das er lüften muss ... Product details For ages 12+ Format Paperback | 188 pages ...

The Battle of the Labyrinth: The Graphic Novel (Percy Jackson Book 4) (9780241336786)

Half Boy. Half God. ALL Hero. Honestly, blowing up another school was the last thing I wanted to do. As the son of a Greek God, I've had my share of near-death disaster - and now my arch enemy Luke wants to invade our camp via an ancient labyrinth. If he succeeds, thousands of bloodthirsty monsters will attack. So it's goodbye sunshine, hello darkness as four of us descend into the terrifying underground and beyond . . . Product details For ages 9-11 Format Paperback | 128 pages ...

Built for Growth : How Builder Personality Shapes Your Business, Your Team, and Your Ability to Win (9781633692763)

A Wall Street Journal Bestseller Are You a Driver, an Explorer, a Crusader, or a Captain? Many factors shape the success or failure of a new business, whether it's a stand-alone startup or a venture inside a larger corporation. But the most important and least understood of these factors is the personality of the entrepreneur, the particular combination of beliefs and preferences that drives his or her motivation, decision making, and leadership style. And your builder personality is the one resource you can directly control in growing a business that wins. Simply put, who you are shapes how you build for growth. Built for Growth decodes the interplay between builder personality and new business success. Using a patented analytic methodology, authors Chris Kuenne and John Danner discovered four distinct types of highly successful entrepreneurial personalities the Driver, the Explorer, the Crusader, and the Captain. Each is motivated, makes decisions, manages, and leads their busine...

The Deaths of Tao (9780857663320)

Tensions escalate between two alien factions as the battle to leave Earth reaches deadly new heights in this funny sci-fi thriller sequel to The Lives of Tao The Prophus and the Genjix are at war. For centuries they have sought a way off-planet, guiding humanity's social and technological development to the stage where space travel is possible. The end is now in sight, and both factions have plans to leave the Earth, but the Genjix method will mean the destruction of the human race. That's a price they're willing to pay. It's up to Roen and Tao to save the world. Oh, dear . . . Product details Format Paperback | 464 pages ...

Lift-the-flap Questions and Answers about Long Ago (9781474933797)

Who built the Great Wall of China? Why did Egyptians make mummies? When did pirates roam the seas? Inquisitive young children can discover the answers to these questions and more in this beautifully illustrated information book, with over 60 flaps to lift and links to specially selected websites with video clips, activities and more information. Product details Format Board book | 14 pages Dimensions 226 x 278 x 16mm ...

Η πραγματικότητα δεν είναι αυτό που φαίνεται (9789601680910)

ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΙΚΑ Ο ΧΩΡΟΣ ΚΑΙ Ο ΧΡΟΝΟΣ; ΑΠΟ ΤΙ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΦΤΙΑΓΜΕΝΗ Η ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΙΚΟΤΗΤΑ; ΜΠΟΡΟΥΜΕ ΝΑ ΚΑΤΑΝΟΗΣΟΥΜΕ ΤΗ ΒΑΘΙΑ ΔΟΜΗ ΤΗΣ; Ο καθηγητής θεωρητικής φυσικής Κάρλο Ροβέλλι έχει περάσει ολόκληρη τη ζωή του εξερευνώντας τέτοια ερωτήµατα. Σε αυτό το συναρπαστικό βιβλίο µάς δείχνει πώς οι γνώσεις και οι αντιλήψεις µας για την πραγµατικότητα έχουν αλλάξει ανά τους αιώνες. από την εποχή του Δηµόκριτου µέχρι τη σύγχρονη εποχή της κβαντικής βαρύτητας βρόχων. Οδηγώντας µας σε ένα θαυµαστό ταξίδι. µας προσκαλεί να φανταστούµε έναν εντελώς νέο κόσµο όπου µαύρες τρύπες περιµένουν να εκραγούν. ο χωρόχρονος αποτελείται από απειροελάχιστους κόκκους και το άπειρο δεν υπάρχει – να φανταστούµε ένα απέραντο σύµπαν άγνωστο και ακόµα ανεξερεύνητο. «Μια βραδιά του 2012. κατά τη διάρκεια µιας µακράς µοναχικής διαδροµής από την Ιταλία στη Γαλλία. συνειδητοποίησα πως για να εξηγήσεις µε τρόπο κατανοητό τις διαρκείς τροποποιήσεις των εννοιών του χώρου και του χρόνου πρέπει να πιάσεις τα πράγµατα από την αρχή: να...

Berufliches Selbstverständnis entwickeln und lernen, berufliche Anforderungen zu bewältigen : Analyse und Vorschläge für den Unterricht (3437276204)

Die Reihe Werkstattbücher zu Pflege heute ist ein offenes Konzept, das vielfältige theoretische und praktische Inhalte, Ideen und Hilfsmittel für den Unterricht zu den einzelnen Themenbereichen bietet. Es ist die ideale Ergänzung zum Lehrbuch Pflege heute , aber offen genug, um auch in Verbindung mit anderen Lehrbüchern genutzt zu werden. Diese Reihe lehnt sich an kein bestimmtes Curriculum an und ist deshalb bundesweit einsetzbar. Der Unterricht zum Themenbereich 10 soll den Schülern das Berufsbild der Pflege nahe bringen und sie auf die Bewältigung beruflicher Anforderungen vorbereiten. Damit steht die Förderung der Personalkompetenz im Mittelpunkt. Zu diesem Zweck entwickeln die Autoren eine komplexe Lernsituation, die durch lebendige Fallbeispiele und innovative Methoden die Fähigkeit zur Reflexion, Selbstständigkeit und Mitbestimmung bei den Schülern fördert. Vorschläge zur Theorie-Praxis-Verknüpfung und zur mündlichen Prüfung machen das Buch zu einer wertvollen Grundlage für Lehr...

Contemporary Issues In Mediation - Volume 1 (9789813108356)

Is the need for a power balance still necessary for mediation in the Singapore context?In an increasingly digitised world, what challenges are there for online mediation?Is the distinction between facilitative and evaluative mediation still relevant?These questions, and more, are explored in Contemporary Issues in Mediation, the first ever compilation of essays on mediation topics and issues by top mediation students. Carefully selected and edited by leaders in the mediation and negotiation field Associate Professor Joel Lee from the National University of Singapore Faculty of Law, and Marcus Lim, Executive Director of the Singapore International Mediation Institute, this book is not only a unique addition to local mediation literature but also the first in a new annual series. Product details Format ...

Deja que ocurra : Todo lo que nunca fuimos ; Todo lo que somos juntos (9788408217558)

y Todo lo que somos juntos. Product details Format Paperback | 736 pages Dimensions 150 x 230 x 54mm | 856g Publication date 14 Nov 2019 ...

The Rhodesian War : A Military History (0811707253)

- The vicious conflict (1964-79) that brought Robert Mugabe to power in Zimbabwe - Expert coverage of the war, its historical context, and its aftermath - Descriptions of guerrilla warfare, counterinsurgency operations, and actions by units like Grey's Scouts Amid the colonial upheaval of the 1960s, Britain urged its colony in Southern Rhodesia (modern-day Zimbabwe) to grant its black residents a greater role in governing the territory. The white-minority government refused and soon declared its independence, a move bitterly opposed by the black majority. The result was the Rhodesian Bush War, which pitted the government against black nationalist groups, one of which was led by Robert Mugabe. Marked by unspeakable atrocities, the war ended in favor of the nationalists. Product details Format ...

Protect Your Writings : A Legal Guide for Authors (1450243649)

Whether you are a seasoned author or a new author writing your first book, "Protect Your Writings" will help you avoid common, costly legal mistakes. In this practical guide, author and licensed attorney Maria Crimi Speth provides a comprehensive yet easy-to-understand description of the applicable laws that affect authors and their works. Illustrated with examples from real cases and real situations, "Protect Your Writings" covers the four main areas of intellectual property law and the interplay between these areas as they relate to authors. The guide focuses strongly on copyright law-the main area of law protecting the written word-and also includes sections that discuss the copyright registration process in detail, how to avoid infringement claims against you, international rights, online writing, and the contracts that authors are most likely to encounter. A valuable resource for writers in any stage of their career, "Protect Your Writings" succinctly...

Marketing to the Millennial Woman (0692472398)

Yes I can, I am, and I will! This can-do attitude of millennials (Gen Ys)-those born between 1982 and 2000-is redefining the image of the American woman, whether they're employees or customers. Millennial women are confident, strong, bursting with ideas, tech savvy, and champion multi-taskers. They influence every aspect of American business. With off-the-charts buying power, their effect on the economy is unprecedented. So, how can corporate America connect with, understand, and communicate with these 40-million-strong powerhouses? This first-ever illuminating guide unlocks the secrets, values, attitudes, and lifestyles of the millennial woman and offers a clear strategy on how to manage, market, and bond with them. This book is your opportunity to get to know them. Product details Format ...

Linux Kommandoreferenz : Shell-Befehle von A bis Z (3836237784)

Die Linux-Grundausstattung: Alle wichtigen Linux-Befehle immer griffbereit Weit über 400 wichtige Linux-Befehle immer griffbereit Schnell thematisch oder alphabetisch nachschlagen Viele Praxisbeispiele und spezifische Raspberry-Pi-Kommandos Ob Sie Linux privat oder beruflich einsetzen: An der Shell führt letztlich kein Weg vorbei! Und sicher werden Sie dieses Buch von Michael Kofler schon bald nicht mehr missen wollen. Denn: Es dient nicht nur zum Nachschlagen von weit über 400 zentralen Linux-Kommandos, sondern erläutert Ihnen eingehend deren Verwendung (ab sofort übrigens inkl. Raspberry-Pi-spezfischen Kommandos). Die Praxisbeispiele decken dabei einen großen Teil häufiger Anwendungsfälle direkt ab. Damit sparen Sie Zeit und gelangen schnell zu echten Erfolgen. Fortgeschrittene Linux-Anwender oder Administratoren profitieren darüber hinaus von Hinweisen zu distributionsspezifischen Abweichungen einzelner Kommandos. Durch die thematische und alphabetische Sortierung der Kommandos w...

Die energetische Behandlung des Pferdes : Kinesiologie - Akupressur - APM-Muskelmassage (3830493401)

Setzen Sie Heilungsprozesse in Gang! Ein freier Fluss von Körperenergien ist die Grundvoraussetzung für Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden. Spüren Sie energetische Blockaden auf und geben Sie gezielte Impulse, um die Selbstheilungskräfte des Pferdes zu mobilisieren. Walter Salomon (Energetische Pferde-Osteopathie nach Salomon®) vermittelt in diesem Buch fundiert und verständlich die vielfältigen energetischen Möglichkeiten, auf sanfte Weise Heilungsprozesse in Gang zu setzen. Aus dem Inhalt: - Akupunkturmassage nach Penzel - Touch-for-Health-Techniken - Angewandte Kinesiologie - Yin- und Yang-Stärkung - Farbtherapie Individuell zugeschnittene Therapiekonzepte für wichtige Anwendungsbereiche (z.B. Atmungsapparat, Muskeln und Sehnen, Narben) runden das Werk ab und rüsten Sie für die Praxis. Product details Format ...

OCR GCSE History SHP: The Elizabethans, 1580-1603 (9781471860980)

Exam board: OCR (Specification B, SHP) Level: GCSE (9-1) Subject: History First teaching: September 2016 First exams: Summer 2018 An OCR endorsed textbook Let SHP successfully steer you through the OCR B specification with an exciting, enquiry-based series, combining best practice teaching methods and worthwhile tasks to develop students' historical knowledge and skills. > Tackle unfamiliar topics with confidence: The engaging, accessible text covers the content you need for teacher-led lessons and independent study > Ease the transition to GCSE: Step-by-step enquiries inspired by best practice in KS3 help to simplify lesson planning and ensure continuous progression within and across units > Build the knowledge and understanding that students need to succeed: The scaffolded three-part task structure enables students to record, reflect on and review their learning > Boost student performance: Suitably challenging tasks encourage high achievers to excel at GCSE while...

Production of Spanish-type Green Olives; B678 (9781013777790)

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant. Product details ...

Diccionario De Antiguedades Del Reino De Navarra : G - P (9780371098615)

This is a reproduction of the original artefact. Generally these books are created from careful scans of the original. This allows us to preserve the book accurately and present it in the way the author intended. Since the original versions are generally quite old, there may occasionally be certain imperfections within these reproductions. We're happy to make these classics available again for future generations to enjoy! Product details Format Paperback | 800 pages Dimensions 152 x ...

Your Soul's Gift : The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born (9780977679461)

In his groundbreaking first book, Your Soul's Plan, Robert Schwartz brought the idea of pre-birth planning into the mainstream. Now, his brilliant sequel Your Soul's Gift delves even deeper by exploring the pre-birth planning of spiritual awakening, miscarriage and abortion, caregiving, abusive relationships, sexuality, incest, adoption, poverty, suicide, rape, and mental illness. Working with a team of gifted mediums, Schwartz brings forth great love and wisdom from the other side to explain why such experiences are planned and the deep, soul-level healing they can create. Through the stories in Your Soul s Gift you can: -Develop greater self-love as you become aware of the tremendous courage it takes for you to plan a life on Earth and to live the life you planned -Emerge from victim consciousness to know yourself as the powerful creator of your life -Forgive those who have hurt you and create a lasting inner peace -Understand the qualities you came into this lifetime to cul...

Tarot de Marsella superfácil : libro y cartas para echar el tarot inmediatamente (9788415292807)

APRENDE A REALIZAR LAS TIRADAS MÁS IMPORTANTES UTILIZADAS EN EL TAROT El Tarot de Marsella es el Tarot más conocido y el más utilizado en todo el mundo por millones de consultantes, y de él derivan la mayoría de las versiones de las barajas de tarot utilizadas hoy en día. Sus 22 arcanos mayores, además de ser verdaderos arquetipos de la complejidad humana, son un compendio del Universo en sí mismo, comprendiendo su parte terrenal, espiritual, anímica y psicológica. Por medio de estas páginas conocerás no solo los orígenes del tarot, sino sobre todo el arte de echar sus cartas y las tiradas más importantes y eficaces para realizar las lecturas. Para ello es imprescindible conocer el significado y la interpretación de cada uno de estos arcanos, que comienzan con el viaje de El Loco (el viajero, el aventurero que nos representa en el camino de nuestra vida) y acaban con El Mundo, la representación de todo lo que es y ha sido. Con este libro conseguirás hacer tiradas precisas y, sobre...

Einfach gesund essen to go (3835416901)

Praktisch, schnell, alltagstauglich und variabel: die ganze Kraft der 5-Elemente-Ernährung. 100 Rezepte aus der TCM-Küche mit Variationsvorschlägen. Uralte Ernährungsweisheit, einzigartig modern: Tipps für unterwegs, für Sporttage, fürs Essen außer Haus. Nahrung ist Heilung: gesund bleiben und werden. Product details Format Paperback | 144 pages Dimensions 172 x 238 x 17mm | 481g ...

Wild : Auf der Jagd nach den besten Rezepten (3959610106)

Das erste Wild-Kochbuch, das der ganzen Tradition der Jagd nachgeht! Neben exzellenten Rezepten von Stéphane Reynaud stecken im neuen Wild-Kochbuch spannende Geschichten von echten Jägern und viel Expertenwissen zu Tieren und Jagd. Einzigartige, humorvolle Zeichnungen und viele Fotos von Wildschwein, Hirsch, Fasan und Hase runden das liebevoll gestaltete Kochbuch ab. Ein Muss für Einsteiger und alte Hasen der Wild-Küche. Product details Format Hardback | 319 pages Dimensions 215 x 266 ...

Ancient Sounds for a New Age : An Introduction to Himalayan Sacred Sound Instruments (9780998683829)

Ancient Sounds for a New Age is an introduction to and overview of sound healing with Himalayan instruments. It offers a clear idea of what is needed to learn and practice for anyone who decides to enter the field, and serves as an instructional tool to that end. Diáne has combined techniques from other fields that have proven very effective for her clients and describe these in the book. As an extra bonus, exclusive access to a digital one-hour instructional video is included to demonstrate Diáne's methods as a practitioner. The book is organized in five parts. The first, Part I: Fundamentals of Sound Healing, offers an orientation to the work. Part II: The Sacred Sound Family, teaches about the sound healing instruments--the tingshas, the ganta and dorje, and the Himalayan bowls--and the author takes you through some basic configurations for working with multiple instruments. Part III: Sound Healing and the Chakras, offers a breakdown of techniques and principles for working with...

Understand Your World : The Adult Learners' Week 2003 Adult Literacy Scrapbook (9780949145383)

This scrapbook captures some of the many activities that took place in Australia during the time of Adult Learners' Week with a focus on adult literacy. Features shortlisted entries from the Adult Learners' Week Writing Competition which asked authors to write about life without literacy. Product details Format Spiral bound | 29 pages Publication date 01 Dec 2004 Publisher ...